Do you have a question about your car insurance? Check out this list of Car Insurance FAQ’s. Q: I have an older car whose current market value is very low – do I really need to purchase car insurance? A:…
Do you have a question about your car insurance? Check out this list of Car Insurance FAQ’s. Q: I have an older car whose current market value is very low – do I really need to purchase car insurance? A:…
Insurance FAQ’s provided by Michelle Fonk Insurance Agency. Q: What kinds of questions should I be expected to answer when I’m applying for an insurance policy in Wisconsin and Illinois. Why do insurers need so much information? A: When you…
Not all insurance agents are the same! Choosing the right one can make a big difference – in price, service, and value. With other agencies, you get one company that sells one brand of insurance. With an independent insurance agency…
Back to school is a bitter sweet time of year. Children are a year older, summers over and the daily routine is busy. Whether your child is starting Kindergarten or College here’s some helpful hints about talking with your child…
Summer’s Here– What to Do With the Kids? It’s the age-old question that parents in Northeast Illinois and Southeast Wisconsin face every year: How do we keep the kids occupied this summer? Well, there are always the biggies, such…
Happy Book Lover’s Day!!! Who knew August 9th, was Book Lover’s Day? I sure didn’t. But, I have been thinking it’s been a while since I picked up a good book. What a great way to relax in the evening…
Michelle Fonk Insurance Agency now offers BOTH Hagerty Classic Car Insurance and Berkley Classics Car Insurance. Berkley offers coverage for many different types of vehicles. Check out the list below from Antique/Classic Cars & Pickups Original and unchanged…
It’s that time of year when many of our activities lead us outdoors. Did you know Skin Cancer is the most common of all cancers. About 3.5 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin cancer are diagnosed in this country each…
Your home is your sanctuary, it’s the place you rest, spend time with family and keep your most prized possessions. Here’s a few tips to keep your home secure. Locks on doors and windows are a proven method of increasing…