Monthly Archives: October 2015

Halloween Safety

Make your house a haven for trick-or-treaters Halloween is one of the fall season’s most treasured holidays. Kids love to dress up, get together with friends, and go door-to-door in search of the biggest and best goodies.  If your neighborhood

Posted in Insurance

Renters Insurance

The Importance of Renters Insurance If you live in a rental home or apartment, chances are you don’t have the proper insurance. Despite the fact that rented homes are more likely to be burglarized than owner-occupied properties, nearly 60 percent

Posted in Insurance

Fall Home Safety

Household safety tips change with the season.  As days get shorter and nights get longer, our habits begin to change. Most of us typically spend more time at home and less time doing our favorite summer activities. That usually means

Posted in Insurance

Back to School

Most college students have been back to school for about month now. But here are some back to school insurance tips to save you and your family time and money. Insurance Tips for Back-to-School Time College is expensive enough without

Posted in Insurance